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Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Some Videos
Frustrated with the the sms-mms limit?
the new package wud have
The Mms.apk has the following moddings:
- Message Skin (Default, Edge, Gloss, Sticky Note, Memo)
- Sent Time displayed instead of the Received Time
- No AutoConverting messages to MMS after 4 SMS. In my mod, it will be converted to MMS after 200 SMS.
- Possible to add to the message 200 contacts instead of 10 contacts.
1. Download the modified Mms.apk (Attached file)
2. Backup your Mms.apk and mms.odex in /system/app (Use Root Explorer).
3. Mount /system/app as R/W
3. Copy the modified Mms.apk to /system/app
4. Set the permissions to rw-r--r--
5. Delete mms.odex
6. Reboot
I am not the owner of this thread but i may help you
Spiderman Total Mayhem HD (mediafire links)
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Thursday, 9 August 2012
How to save battery life
Theres no app or trick in it. Its just a tip but is really helpfull. We often charge our phone when its battery is low. But we shouldn't ( You can if you need your phone for urgent use). If you let your battery totally discharge and then charge it, It will not affect the total capicity to get charge. But if you start charging it before discharging it completely, It MAY harm the total capicity to get charged. My brother is in XII class and told me about this and I shared it to you. Many of you may know about 'Potential Difference'. You may have studied it in your physics class... This potential difference is harmed here.
If still don't undstand comment below. :-):-):-):-):-)